Greetings to all:
This is my first post on my first blog ("blawg" in legal parlance). I am hopeful that this board will be, if nothing else, entertaining for my friends, family, colleagues and clients. If you are receiving this, that means I think you might be interested in hearing from me on a semi-regular basis. If not, just delete and move on.
There have been many times over the past few years where I have been struck by a matter, personal or in the wider world, that I wished I had a place to jot down my thoughts about the matter to share with others. Well, the 21st Century has arrived and has given all of us, for better or worse, a 'soapbox' of sorts from which to proclaim our gratitude for the many things going right and our dismay at the rest of it.
I am not going to wax on about some legal gobbledegook here. Most of you know that I write and teach in the legal and professional press, and this is not going to be that type of board. So if you want to hear about the latest technique for avoiding UBTI by using preferred partnership interests in debt instruments issued by the family business, you are going to have to look elsewhere for that. This is going to be about personal observations, without disclosing any confidences or identifying information (other than my own).
I invite you on my journey. If you think you would enjoy it, please click on the link to the right "subscribe to this blog feed." You will be automatically notified by email each time I create a new post.